
MsRepresent: Behind the Face, A Fierce Woman

This is not about the woman behind the man–because seriously, that’s been done before–this is all about the woman who makes all women great. Join me every week for lively discussions with whip smart, trailblazing women in the arts, sciences, literature, politics, music, feminism, social transformation movements, academia and more. In line with MsRepresent’s mandate to uncover women’s history, understand women’s culture, and create theory, this website–an ongoing and ever-evolving project–will soon be publishing essays in reflection and celebration of these themes.





Hi, I’m your host

I’m Charlene Sayo, and when I’m not podcasting or writing essays, I’m prowling used bookstores, collecting little black dresses and indulging my sweet  fruit tooth. For my official bio, check out my website charlenesayo.com

half face

Logo by Andrew Sayo